Please click the links below to register for the appropriate program, Youth or High School.
To register, please follow these easy steps:
Step 1: Join or renew your US Lacrosse membership. Your membership must be valid through June 30, 2025.
Step 2: Complete the Sports Engine youth player (team) registration. This allows us to gather your contact information, medical information. You will also order your new team jersey / pinnie in the registration process, along with opting-in for season tournaments. Payments will be collected with the option to pay in full today, or over time.
Click on the links below to complete youth registration.
To register for the 2025 High School season, you must complete these easy steps:
Step 1: Join or renew your US Lacrosse membership. Your membership must be valid through May 31, 2025.
Step 2: Complete the Sports Engine player (team) registration. This allows us to gather your contact information and payment.
Step 3: Remember that you must provide a current copy of your Physical Exam Form to the LHS Athletic Department.
Click on the links below to complete high school registration.
Lincoln Girls Lacrosse offers two forms of financial assistance: registration fee discounts and payment plans. If registration fees present a financial burden, do not hesitate to submit this application for our financial aid program prior to completing your Sports Engine team registration. You will be notified within a week of the award decision and provided with a discount code to use during player registration checkout.